Think Biblically: Conversations on Faith & Culture
A weekly podcast that offers Christian perspectives on some of the most significant issues facing today's church and culture. In each episode, hosts Scott Rae and Sean McDowell — professors at Biola University's Talbot School of Theology — draw upon biblical wisdom and insights from guest experts as they explore how Christians can thoughtfully and faithfully engage with cultural trends and current events.
463 episodes
Christians and Preferred Pronouns: Is it Biblical? (with Preston Sprinkle)
Should Christians use preferred pronouns? Is it wise and biblically permissible, or not? While Sean has had this discussion before on the Think Biblically podcast, this episode features a conversation with Preston Sprinkle, and they go even dee...

Cultural Update: Maine Continues to Fight Over Transgender Athletes, Delaware Considering a Bill to Recognize First Cousin Marriage, Is America Becoming a Theocracy? A Bill That Challenges Religious Liberty
Maine Continues to Fight over Transgender AthletesA Bill...

The State of Near-Death Experiences
How strong is the evidence for near-death experiences? How has the field of study changed over the past 50 years since doctors, academics, and other experts began studying them? And what do they reveal about the soul or the afterlife? In this e...

Cultural Update: Humanoid Robots Enter the Workforce, Medically Assisted Suicide Can Be Scheduled, Christianity's Growth in America, and Planned Parenthood Allegations
Humanoid Robots in the Workforce. AI-powered robots are becoming more common for tasks like stacking and sorting, though their abilities remai...

Fallout of the Trans Revolution (with Katie McCoy)
What are the sociological effects for women from trans ideology? How do we think biblically given our confused cultural moment about sex, gender, and identity? And what does all this mean for those who want to reach and disciple Gen Z? Sean and...

Cultural Update: Limits of Online Free Speech; TikToking Democracy to Death
In this episode, Scott Rae and guest co-host Dr. Tim Pickavance tackle key cultural issues through a biblical lens:Are Traditional Wedding Vows...

Understanding Messianic Movements Today (with Mitch Glaser)
What is the state of Christian efforts to reach out to their Jewish friends and neighbors? What are the biggest barriers Jews have to considering the claims of Christ? And how can Christians lovingly engage their Jewish friends with the gospel?...

Cultural Update: Can AI Feel Pain?; Should AI Make End-of-Life Decisions?
This week, Scott and Sean discuss: Can AI feel pain? Scientists experiment with AI models simulating pain and pleasure to test for senti...

Transgenderism and Neuroscience (with Steven Willing)
What is the contribution of the neurosciences to our understanding of gender? How does the study of the brain help us understand transgenderism? How, if at all, are male and female brains different? And would it be possible to have a male brain...

Cultural Update: Teen Dating Trends, AI Generated News Articles,The Super Bowl's New Message, A Mountains in New Zealand is Granted Personhood, Listener Questions
This Week, Scott and Sean Discuss:Dating is Dropping among TeenagersAI Generated News Articles have been P...

The State of Religious Freedom in the US (with Frank Beckwith)
What is the state of religious freedom in the US? What about those who claim that religious freedom is sometime seen as code for bigotry and discrimination, inconsistent with some trends toward justice? What are the main challenges to religious...

Cultural Update: Decline of DEI, School Choice, 80th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation
Topics of discussion this week:80th Anniversary of Auschwitz’s Liberation – Reflecting on the horrors of t...

When Your Calling Leads to Burnout (with Arianna Molloy)
What does it mean to have a healthy calling? Why are people who view their work as a calling more vulnerable to burnout? How do you know when your work has given way to idolatry? We’ll discuss these questions and much more with our Biola commun...

Cultural Update: Religion at the Inauguration; Liberal Atheist Grappling with the Sanctity of Life
Scott is joined by Erik Thoennes to discuss: Religious Elements in Presidential Inaugurations: A discussion on the profound

Christians in the TV & Film Industry (with Tom Halleen)
How can Christians think biblically about TV and movies? What kinds of entertainment should Christians consume? And can Christians survive and thrive in Hollywood today? These are the kinds of questions Sean and Scott ask their special guest, B...

Cultural Update: Making sense of the fires; Anti-Semitic views on the rise; Pharmacists prescribing abortion pills
This week, Scott & Sean discuss: Biblical Perspective on Southern California FiresExploring the theological implications of natural disasters, addressing questions about God's sovereignty and goodness amidst trag...

Engaging Jesus with Our Senses? (with Jeannine Hanger)
What does it mean to engage Jesus with our senses? What is an embodied approach to studying the life of Jesus as opposed to the way we normally read the gospel accounts? How could this change the way we encounter Jesus in the gospels? We’ll dis...

Cultural Update: Atheist Says Christianity Is Key to Saving America; Right to Die for Mental Decline; AI Choosing Embryos
For the first week of the new year, Sean & Scott discuss:Update on the wildfires in Southern California.Atheist author

Have We Lost Our Minds? (with Stan Wallace)
What does it mean to say that we are body and soul both? Have the neurosciences done away with the soul? Are we little more than our physical stuff that is reducible to chemistry and physics? We’ll answer these questions and much more in our co...

Focusing on the Family Today (with Jim Daly)
What new challenges have emerged to the family in the past few years? How is the family doing today versus in the past? What biblical principles must Christians keep in mind when thinking about the family today? These are a few of the questions...

We Who Wrestle with God: Book Review
Jordan Peterson is one of the leading intellectuals of our day. He is a mega-selling author, psychologist, and popular influencer. In this discussion, Sean and Scott review his latest book

Cultural Update: Ethics of psychedelic treatments; Child labor powering batteries
Topics this week: Veterans are increasingly exploring psychedelic treatments in Mexico for trauma and brain injuries, raising medical, ethical, and spiritual questions.Syrian Christians face uncertainty and displacemen...

Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Discipleship (with Brant Himes)
Who was the "real" Bonhoeffer and why has he left such an enduring legacy? What can we learn from his life today? And is the new film about his life, Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin, accurate? In this interview, we talk with Dr. Brant Himes, ...

Cultural Update: AI video generator; designer babies are now teens; UK bans puberty blockers for children
This week, Sean & Scott discuss: UK bans puberty blockers for children, citing insufficient evidence of safety and efficacy, sparking international comparisons and debate.OpenAI's new AI video generator, ...